On each 5th Tuesday of any month, we skip our noon meeting and gather for a no host dinner at a local restaurant.
Come learn more about our club, our members and our service projects. Making a difference in the world locally and globally.
White Salmon - Bingen Rotarians
are "serving to change lives"
and we are a fun group of people!
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Most Tuesdays from 12 - 1 pm
Every 5th Tuesday of a month we do NOT meet at noon, but have an evening service project or social hour
We will gather at a local restaurant
Free to attend - $15 for catered lunch from Beneventi's - please PRE-REGISTER
2024-2025 Club President Chuck Henschel
Printed courtesy of www.mtadamschamber.com/ – Contact the Mt Adams Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1 Heritage Plaza, White Salmon, WA 98672 – (509) 493-3630 – mtadamschamber@gmail.com