Speaker Bio: Buck Jones is an enrolled Cayuse member of one of the bands of the Confederated Tribes of The Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). He is a multi-decade Columbia River Treaty Fisherman. Buck, who has been employed since 2004 for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), started as a Fisheries Technician and now serves as Salmon Marketing Specialist. He works on product development, classes on Cold Water and Boat Safety, and provides quality-handling classes for approximately 700 tribal fishers. Buck is Co-Chair of the Food Sovereignty subcommittee for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians and a board member of Gorge Grown Food Network, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, Columbia Gorge Tourism Alliance, and One Community Health. Buck also serves on the Executive Committee of the Local Catch Network. Additionally, Buck is a nationally honored basketball player. From his youth into his 50s, Buck played in All-Indian Basketball Tournaments across the country. He was honored by the National Indian Athletic Association Hall of Fame, Hoopa All-Indian Tournament Hall of Fame, and Hall of Fame in the Pendleton Linebackers Club; winning many tournaments throughout Indian Country, including the All-Indian Nationals 4 times.
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PST
Doors open at 6 pm, show starts at 7 pm. * We encourage people to take their seats by 6:45. * Seats not filled by 6:45 will be made available to our waitlist. * Event tickets are non-refundable.
Columbia Center For the Arts
215 Cascade Ave
Hood River, OR 97031, USA
Email us at SOP@MtAdamsInstitute.org
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1 Heritage Plaza, White Salmon, WA 98672 – (509) 493-3630 – mtadamschamber@gmail.com